inquiry, contract |
A guest house in Yutakacho, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo ishare roomj only dormitory yEsplanadez yMonthlyz @@@ @@@@ It is a very clean house. @shere are many train routes. @Around here is convenient for shopping. ``````````An inquiry`````````` yIn the case of a telephonez TEL 080-3422-2149 @or @080-3422-2139@ The person in chargeFArai y¦ attentionz Please talk on the telephone after 18:00 in the evening. Please talk on the telephone willingly. ```````Please talk on the telephone willingly.``````` yIn the case of an emailz (1) Name iQjPhone number or e-mail address iRj Please make entry of a business. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@I'll contact you again from this place. ``````````Please refer willingly`````````` |